304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Our Services

Pegaso window cleaning service


Window Cleaning

First impressions are important. How the windows at your building look can make a difference in the overall perspective of your business.

Carpet Cleaning

We can get your carpet flooring looking clean and professional in a timely manner. We have all the equipment and the experience to work with all types of carpets in any environment.

Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning can help give you a baseline so that you can maintain your office environment much cleaner and presentable.

Surface Disinfecting

Our crew of experts will work with you to help combat the propagation of bad germs and viruses with specialized techniques to make the workplace safe.

Move in / Move Out Cleaning

Commercial or residential move in/out cleaning services can help make the move much easier and convenient.

Pressure Washing

A pressure wash can make the exterior walls, bricks, wooden fence or concrete look fresh and new.

Let's meet to discuss your service needs

If you are looking for a professional janitorial service that gets the job done, Contact us at your earliest convenience. We service the greater bay area and beyond.


San Pablo, California. 94806




Let's talk about your project

No project is too big or too small. - Contact us Today

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